Tree Care Tips for Homeowners

You live in the house of your dreams with all the tall trees and green lawn you have always wished for. Everything is perfect—but not for a long time. While trees can enhance the beauty of your home in all its glory, they can be the cause of your stress if they are not given the care they need. As a homeowner, it is essential to learn as much as you can about how you can take care of the trees in your yard.

Prune during the dormant season

A good principle to follow is to prune your trees when they are dormant. Generally, this is during the fall or late winter when their branches are free of foliage. It is much easier to prune at this time since you don’t have to deal with clumps of leaves. However, the rule can change for every tree species. Make sure to find out what your trees need to boost their health and extend their life.

Do a regular inspection of the leaves

It is critical to detect infection or disease in a tree early to prevent it from causing its decline. When doing the regular inspection of your tree, do not forget to check its leaves. Look for signs of fungal growth, discoloration, or premature falling. These conditions may be an indication of a disease that needs to be treated. In addition to trimming these infected parts, it may also be necessary to apply a fungicide to the tree.

Always inspect the tree after a storm

It is vital to assess your tree if your area’s been hit by a bad storm. Nature can be cruel to trees during intense weather and leave them in ruins. Check for any damaged branches or limbs that are still attached to the tree, and make sure to prune them away. If the tree is irreversibly damaged, you may need to have it eliminated before it causes accidents and injuries.

Plant the right trees in your yard

It is essential to understand that not all tree is the right tree for your property. You need to choose the right type for your location, meaning you need to consider its shape, its height when it’s matured, and whether it will fit your landscape. If in doubt, you can always ask a certified arborist to walk you through the best trees for your yard.

Have a certified arborist trim large branches

Even if you are passionate about tree care, you can only do so much to ensure your tree’s welfare. Leave the job of trimming large branches to a certified arborist for optimal results. A professional tree service company knows how to properly cut away branches that no longer serve their purpose and endanger you and your family.

By observing these simple tree care guidelines, you can ensure your tree’s health and safety. Nothing is more beautiful than a yard with vibrant and healthy trees around. Be proactive with the wellness of your trees, and you will thank yourself later on. By taking the time to make smart choices about your landscape, trees will offer you peace and joy while you enjoy the benefits they bring.

Call Jay with JD Tree, LLC, (919) 818-0575 for more information about tree care.